Family Travel: Children’s Museums

- The Children's Museum, Boston (BCM). Rent a Boston timeshare and your kids, ages 2-8, will have a blast at BCM, that:
- Created the award-winning "Arthur's World" exhibit, where kids can role-play, read, or write in the character's favorite settings, like the Read Family Kitchen.
- Has a stage like one in an opera house, where visitors 2 to 6 can perform.
- Teaches children about Japanese culture in a two-story silk merchant's home.
BCM is one of the few museums with many activities for toddlers and preschoolers. Most of the activities for younger kids, including infants, are found in the museum's 4,500-square-foot PlaySpace area, which the museum recently redesigned based on the latest research in early childhood education. - Port Discovery, Baltimore, MD. Baltimore is only a 45-minute drive from Washington, D.C. timeshare rentals in Alexandria, VA, and Ft. Washington, MD. After spending a few days visiting D.C.'s monuments and museums, take the kids to Balitmore's children's museum (best for kids 6-12) that:
- Features KidWorks, a three-story treehouse where children can crawl through tunnels, cross a narrow rope bridge, and play in a room full of balls.
- Teaches kids to make a paper mache balloon that resembles the museum's HiFlyer hot air balloon.
- Hands out PD Kid Club communicators, wireless devices that make the exhibits even more interactive.
One of the nation's newest children's museums, Port Discovery aims to bring kids' dreams to life. For example, the new HiFlyer hot air balloon gives children a 15-minute ride above the city's family-friendly Inner Harbor area. - Brooklyn Children's Museum, NYC (see photo). There are a number of NYC timeshare rentals to chose from, and this museum is great for any child aged 2 - 12. This is the oldest children's museum in the country, founded in 1899, and it:
- Features a new 1,700-square-foot Totally Tots area, where little ones can enjoy adventures in the Baby Patch, Sand Spot, and Peek-A-Boutique.
- Schedules plays, concerts, and many other performances during the summer months in its rooftop theater.
- Holds nearly 27,000 cultural and natural history objects, including dinosaur footprints, shadow puppets from Indonesia, and meteors.
This museum offers the award-winning Museum Team program, which allows children as young as 7 to visit the museum unaccompanied by an adult and participate in artist and science residency programs, peer tutoring, and other educational activities.
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