Looking Out for Owners' Best Interests

State Groups
Most states have their own timeshare owner group. These groups are particularly important because each state has different laws affecting timeshare that may change from time to time and owners need to be aware of any changes. Their meetings often include legal updates and other valuable industry information.
As an example, the Florida Timeshare Owners Group's upcoming November meeting features the head legal counsel of a Florida law firm whose specialty is representing owners who experience disputes or differences with their timeshare resort, the management company or the resort developer. The FTOG meeting also has scheduled guest speakers representing various exchange companies who will update owners on the latest benefit options. Plus, Greg Crist, CEO of NTOA, will give an update on timeshare industry-related activities nationwide and the evolving future of timeshare.
National Timeshare Owners Association (NTOA)
Another organization that owners can count on for valuable information is NTOA. Through partnerships with technology experts, they gather information and conduct studies of issues affecting the industry. A recent study resulted in data that provided insights on the latest consumer attitudes toward timeshare.
Another groundbreaking study is in the works. NTOA's Secondary Market Solutions committee is working with the University of Central Florida to analyze and prepare data for the association’s first executive study on timeshare resale issues. These studies are made accessible to owners and others in the industry.
Timeshare Board Members Association (TBMA)
TBMA is a non-profit association dedicated to helping provide technical, organizational and moral support to directors of owner controlled timeshare boards. The group offers educational panels and meetings such as one recently held in Denver, which focused on the future of legacy resorts and how to help them compete successfully in a competitive timeshare market. The TBMA website offers a wide variety of information delivered through downloads, podcasts, reports on industry trends and more.
American Resort Development Association (ARDA)
In case you need reminding, the industry's trade association ARDA offers a wealth of information on its website, from the latest in regulatory and legislative issues to questions about buying and selling and how to avoid scams. ARDA represents and advocates for the industry on regulatory issues, provides educational and networking opportunities at annual conventions, and ARDA-ROC reaches out to members with the latest industry news, market intelligence, trends and events. When was the last time you visited the ARDA site?