Shenandoah National Park is 105 miles of incredible vistas through the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. The main route through the Park is Skyline Drive, which takes visitors along the very crest of the mountains. Looking out over the undulating mountain tops from on high you'll see the ridges to the horizon bathed in various hues of blue. It's the natural photosynthesis water expiration of the woodland plants that creates this distinctive beautiful blue haze, giving the mountain range its name.
During the spring, beginning in March, the wildflowers become plentiful along hiking trails and mountain streams in the lower elevations. By May colorful azaleas can be seen covering the ground through the forests, and spreading up along Skyline Drive. Although Shenandoah National Park is surrounded by towns, and close to metropolitan areas, it is a wilderness haven where more than 1,300 types of plants thrive, including 66 rare species.
Shenandoah National Park celebrates the glories of the spring season with its annual Wildflower Weekend. Plan to attend this year's festival May 8 and 9. The event includes fun activities for kids, such as "Bugs and Blooms" designed for children ages 7 - 12. Journaling and drawing activities are part of "Seeds of Inspiration."
The easy "Big Meadows Stroll" takes you through a rare mountain meadow habitat covered in wildflowers. Or try the more advanced "Wildflower Ramble" along the upper portion of the Rose River Falls Trail. A spectacular hike for those of you in good shape is the lovely but strenuous South River Falls Trail that takes you through carpets of wild geraniums, violets, trilliums and many other spring flowers to a viewpoint overlooking the third-highest waterfall in the Park, cascading down over 80 feet.
As you find your true back-to-nature self in the beauty of springtime in Shenandoah National Park it will be hard to believe you're just an hour from bustling Washington, D.C. And with such easy access from your timeshare rental, a vacation here will be a spring event your family will look forward to experiencing year after year.
(Photo from
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