- The Big Island is the eastern most and the southern most island of the Hawaiian chain, and thus is the southern most point of the United States. It is larger than all of the other Hawaiian Islands combined.
- The Big Island was formed by the overlapping eruptions of 5 different volcanoes. The volcanoes of the Big Island are: Kohala (extinct), Mauna Kea (dormant), Hualalai (active but not currently erupting), Mauna Loa (active), and Kilauea (very active, erupting almost continuously for the past two decades). Because of the two active volcanoes, the Big Island is still growing.
- As recently as 1990 Kilauea completely destroyed two towns on the Big Island - Kalapana and Kaimu.
- Moana Kea is the highest mountain on earth. Rising directly from the sea floor its total height is 33,476 feet, making it taller than Mt. Everest.
- Due to the relatively young age of the Big Island most of its coast is lava rock with only a few scattered sand beaches. The few beaches it does have are primarily "black sand" beaches formed by the action of the ocean grinding down the hardened lava.
- The rich lava soil makes agriculture one of the island's leading industries. Today's major crops include Macadamia nuts, papaya, orchids, tropical vegetables. Any coffee that is labeled "Kona" must come from coffee plantations in the Kona district of the Big Island.
- One of the largest cattle ranches in the United States is the Big Island's Parker Ranch by Waimea, at 175,000 acres.
- Astronomy is also a major industry on the Big Island due to the remarkable clarity of the atmosphere and the lack of light pollution on the summit of Moana Kea.
- Hot molten lava from Kilauea runs to the shoreline and drops into the cold ocean, causing huge billows of steam. At night the steam is lit up by the hot lava, giving it an orange glow. This process is continually occurring as Kilauea constantly erupts.
- An undersea volcano, Lo-ihi, is just 18 miles off the Big Island's southeast coast. Its continued active eruptions will eventually cause it to "breach" the sea and attach to Kilauea, adding even more surface area to the Big Island (in 50,000 years or so).
See all Big Island of Hawaii timeshares.
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