In a new study from the American Resort Development Association (ARDA), ninety percent of people are suffering from “Guilty Vacation Syndrome” (GVS). Instead of looking forward to and enjoying the idea of their annual summer vacation, a recent survey conducted on ARDA's consumer Web site,, shows that people are either not taking or are delaying their summer vacation this year because of guilt. People these days are really being affected by the negative economic news. Even if their own financial situation is stable, hearing about companies cutting salaries and laying off employees leaves people feeling uneasy.
The biggest problem for those who are timeshare owners is that they already have their beautiful vacation resort waiting for them and they really want to go, but guilt and indecisiveness are taking their toll, making them feel they shouldn't take a vacation at all.
Here’s what one survey participant had to say:
“We always take two weeks at the beach each year to refresh and rejuvenate," says Pete J., a GVS sufferer. "This year we've decided to cut back since we don't want to appear insensitive to the economic situation."
"People with 'Guilty Vacation Syndrome' must put their health first," said Howard Nusbaum, ARDA president and CEO. "There has been substantial research affirming the physical and mental benefits for taking time to get away and recharge. And in stressful times like these, it's even more important." It's proven that one to two weeks away from the daily routine leads to better job performance and productivity. And, happy, motivated employees are a great way to do your part to help the economy.
What ARDA’s survey is helping us understand is that stressful times call for relaxing measures. People need good thoughts and a positive outlook that planning for and using their timeshare resort can provide. Research shows that vacations are a necessity and not a luxury. Those who invest in their personal happiness reap the rewards of reduced stress, better health and stronger bonds with family and friends. So, forget the white out and keep your vacation penciled in on the calendar this summer.
The biggest problem for those who are timeshare owners is that they already have their beautiful vacation resort waiting for them and they really want to go, but guilt and indecisiveness are taking their toll, making them feel they shouldn't take a vacation at all.
Here’s what one survey participant had to say:
“We always take two weeks at the beach each year to refresh and rejuvenate," says Pete J., a GVS sufferer. "This year we've decided to cut back since we don't want to appear insensitive to the economic situation."
"People with 'Guilty Vacation Syndrome' must put their health first," said Howard Nusbaum, ARDA president and CEO. "There has been substantial research affirming the physical and mental benefits for taking time to get away and recharge. And in stressful times like these, it's even more important." It's proven that one to two weeks away from the daily routine leads to better job performance and productivity. And, happy, motivated employees are a great way to do your part to help the economy.
What ARDA’s survey is helping us understand is that stressful times call for relaxing measures. People need good thoughts and a positive outlook that planning for and using their timeshare resort can provide. Research shows that vacations are a necessity and not a luxury. Those who invest in their personal happiness reap the rewards of reduced stress, better health and stronger bonds with family and friends. So, forget the white out and keep your vacation penciled in on the calendar this summer.
Guilt-free and stress-free - that's the way I like My vacations! Thanks for the tips!