Travel to the California Wine Country

Visitors to California's Wine Country find many things to see and do, such as groves of Giant Redwoods, petrified forests, and even swimming in hot springs. Rolling hills of sun-splashed vineyards provide the perfect backdrop for hikers and bicycling enthusiasts. The colors and patterns of the valley as seen from a hot air balloon ride are as beautiful and picturesque as an Impressionist's painting.
However, most people travel to California's Wine Country for, of course, the wineries. The tasting rooms range from the most elaborate to the very simple. A host will greet you and give you notes on the wines you will sample. You need not taste every wine, and you don't have to finish all of the wine in your glass. If you are new to wine tasting you'll have fun trying to determine the aroma, flavor and "mood" of each wine. And you'll be fascinated to discover how distinctly different so many varieties of wines can be.
During December and January the weather is cool but moderate and the crowds are low. Touring the wineries and visiting the tasting rooms is a more intimate experience. February is when the mustard flowers bloom through out the dormant vineyards, and during March and April the Wine Country is awash in the colors of blossoming wild flowers. The summer months of May through August are when the number of tourists is at its height and you can see the vineyards in their full glory of heavy, ripening fruit.
No matter what time of year you choose for your visit to the California Wine Country, rent a timeshare in San Francisco or Napa Valley and take the time to immerse yourself in this uniquely blended world of modern and ancient winemaking.
See Napa timeshares.
See San Francisco timeshares.
I just wanted to say that winter is THE time to go here. Very few people so you get great one-on-one attention at the vineyards' wine tastings.